Taman Buah Mangunan


Hutan Pinus Imogiri


Geospasial Museum

This Museum is inagurated in September 1st 2000. This museum is representation of natural Laboratory about sand dune. It has amethyst collection, mineral and hebarium. This museum located in the North side of depok Beach. The opening times are : Monday – Friday : 08:00 a.m - 04:00 p.m Saturday…

Selarong Cave (Goa Selarong)

Located in Kembangputihan Countryside, Guwosari Village, Pajangan Subdistrict. The historical cave of Selarong consits of pigeonholes for both a shelter and a guerilla based used by Prince Diponegoro of Mataram Sultanate during his campaign againts the occuping Dutch from 1825-1830. Grebeg Selarong is usually held on a Sunday of August.…
Hello guys.. I'm Lia and I'm from Bantul (one of regency in Yogyakarta). As a Bantul Tourism Ambassador, I have a mission to promote tourism place in Bantul and also the culture. Let enjoy the journey to Bantul guys!   Regards, Bantul Projotamansari